Why should I give to Holy Trinity, Prestwood?

Holy Trinity relies on the generosity of its congregation for its survival and development. We receive no external funding, such as grants from government, local council or the Church. This is why we need to ask you to think about how much you can give to us.

How much does it cost to run Holy Trinity, Prestwood?

Holy Trinity needs over £150,000 of income each year—that’s more than £2,500 each week. This pays for items like clergy, music, children’s work, all the costs of ministry and everything we do in the community.

You can give regularly through the Parish Giving Scheme.  The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a secure, established service for managing Direct Debit donations, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. 

We would like you to make a regular monthly payment, as this helps us to plan ahead for the year. A sizable proportion of us give between £50 and £250 per month, with some giving less and some giving more. We all need to give proportionately to support the work of our church. This means thinking about what other costs we have in our lives, and valuing our church and its life sensibly within that. 

The PGS makes it possible for donors to:

  • Donate monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
  • Sign up to inflation-linked giving annually
  • Enhance your gift to your church by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving
  • Give securely and donate anonymously, if you prefer

Start Giving with PGS

People make gifts to our church for all sorts of reasons. It may be in memory of a loved one, or to give thanks. You may want to support our work because you've heard about or seen for yourself our impact in the community. For whatever reason we are grateful for your gift and thank you for joining in with what God is doing here.

You can easily make a one-off donation securely here:

An Invitation to join...


You can join the Holy Trinity, Prestwood 200 Club. Anyone can join!

The 200 Club is great way to support the church and give you the chance to win prizes too!

On the first Sunday of each month a draw will take place when 40% of the fund will be distributed as prizes:-

One prize of 10% of the fund to a maximum of £100

Two prizes of 5% of the fund to a maximum of £50 each

AND as many £25 prizes to bring the prize fund up to the 40%

You may buy as many shares in the fund as you wish – the more the merrier: that means more prizes, and more funds for the Church!

If you would like to take part, please read the Rules on the next page and fill out the Application Form and email or post it to the Church Office and send your completed Standing Order Form (printed with the application form) to your bank.

Download the Application Form.


Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to make a lasting gift to Holy Trinity, Prestwood by leaving a legacy to the church. A gift in your Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support our mission and ministry within your community. Unless otherwise specified, legacies to Holy Trinity, Prestwood are placed in a special legacies fund that we use for capital investment in new projects. We don't use legacies to fund day-to-day running costs

A gift can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and will help transform our future.

Find out More about Church Legacies

Contact us to discuss a legacy

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.

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