Health and Safety Policy

Our Health and Safety policy is a really simple. We've thought about everything we do, and if you follow these simple procedures you'll know that you are being safe—protecting yourself and other people. And, as a church, it means we can let people get on with activities without worry. The Health and Safety Policy is really simple to use. Download the policy relating to your activity. (These policies are also printed, and copies are placed in suitable locations.) In each policy document you'll find a short description of the risks we've identified and a table of actions to take to minimise and manage the risks. Make sure you, and anyone you're working with, follows those Required Actions. It's as simple as that. It is absolutely imperative that people follow the Required Actions for the activity they are undertaking. If we use our common sense and follow the Required Actions we know we are safe. If we don't, we are not safe, and we are creating risks for ourselves and others—both physical risks, and risks of liability if something goes wrong. So please follow these simple policies and enjoy what you do! 

More in this category: Safeguarding Policies »

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.

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