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Wednesday, 07 August 2024 09:41

Training - Ministry Teams

We will be holding training in administering the Chalice for anyone who is interested, or anyone who would like a refresher. This will take place after coffee following the 9.30am service on:

  • 8th September 
  • 15th September
  • 27th October 
If this is something you might be interested in, and are currently not on a Ministry Team, then speak to one of the clergy. There is always spaces on Ministry Teams if people are interested in supporting the life of our church in this way. 
A date for Intercessions training will follow, if this is something you would be interested in then please let your Ministry Team Leader or one of the clergy know. 

Holy Trinity, Prestwood is an Inclusive Church. We are part of the Church of England.
We are in the Oxford diocese and the Wendover Deanery.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.

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