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Thursday, 05 September 2024 09:03


We have good news and bad news!
Bad news first - the price has gone up to £3.75. This is the first price increase in 2 years, and the ingredients, sugar and cooking costs have gone up dramatically in that time.
Good news - Hildreth's have offered to stock our jams, marmalades, chutneys, etc.
Good news indeed, but slightly concerning! In the first 3 days of trading they sold 20 jars. (In the first 15 days of trading they purchased over 100 jars for resale.) Concerning because I am not sure we can keep stock levels up. So I am coming to you with several requests.

  1. If you are a preserve maker do consider joining the team. We have members who make 6 jars a year, others who are into 3 figures. Whatever you can manage will be gratefully received.
  2. If you make preserves for yourself and have capacity to make just a couple of extra jars each time, again gratefully received.
    If you can do either of these, I will produce labels and pretty lids for the jars. All I ask for is a list of ingredients. Also, if you use butter to clarify I need to know for the allergen information.
  3. If you grow, and have surplus produce to your requirements, we can take any extra off your hands. This is not only fruit, but tomatoes and veggies as we enter chutney season.
  4. While walking round the supermarket, greengrocers or market and you see a really fantastic bargain, please do get it for us and one of the team will make something with it. We can reimburse if needed.
  5. Provide jam jars—clean, labels removed, with lids please.
  6. Support Hildreth's!

Holy Trinity, Prestwood is an Inclusive Church. We are part of the Church of England.
We are in the Oxford diocese and the Wendover Deanery.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.

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