Families - Holy Trinity, Prestwood
Families of all sorts are at the heart of our life at Holy Trinity, Prestwood. If your family contains children and young people you'll find there's loads going on with them in mind.
Children's Church
Each Sunday morning during term time at 9.30am
In this church we welcome all children whether or not they have any knowledge the Christian faith or if their parents attend a church.
Children’s Church meets on term time Sundays except when we have a Family Service when the children stay in church and are invited to join in the running of the service. Children's Church meets in the main church hall located in the front car park. Children are escorted there and back by the leaders of children’s church. Babies and children can stay in church or go out to children's church as you prefer—there are colouring bags available in church.
We use professionally produced material that is relevant to the different age groups, tailoring concepts to meet the needs of children within the group. We encourage the children to think for themselves and ask questions that develop their critical thinking and their faith, often challenging the older ones in the group to look deeper into the meaning of what they are thinking about. We aim to help young people discover for themselves that Jesus is alive and active in our world today. The children start the service with everyone else in church. They will then be invited to go out to the Church Hall. There is a range of different activities, games, craft and songs each week as well as prayer. They come back into church to join their families for communion. At the end of the service all children in attendance are invited to the front of church to show the congregation what they have been doing that morning.
In all that we do, our underlying aim is to give the children a taste of God’s love and acceptance, in a world that doesn’t always make sense. We are keen to encourage the children to ask questions, think for themselves and grow as people. We aim to help the children discover for themselves the good that Jesus did in his life and the good we can do in ours if we try.
Family Services
Family Eucharists take place once a month, Sunday at 9.30am
Each month we hold a Family Eucharist. This is a time for families to enjoy our Sunday service together. There is a special area at the front of Church, near the Chancel, where activities are available to keep little ones busy. We invite children and young people to take part in the service through welcoming the congregation into Church, serving, reading the bible readings or prayers of intercession, and taking up the offertory. Please speak to a member of the clergy or Frances if your children and young people would like to take part in a Family Eucharist.
Fusion Youth Group
Fusion meets on the second Sunday of each month, 4.00pm-5.30pm
Fusion is a youth group for young people aged 11-14 (year groups 6-9). We meet in the Church Hall and Annexe monthly. We take part in a wide range of activities, games and discussion. It's a place to come and meet like-minded young people who want to have fun, get to know each other and find out more about themselves. For more information contact Kayleigh, our Curate, on kayleigh@htprestwood.org.uk.
Sparks Club and Light Club
Sparks Club: Mondays, 12.00pm at Prestwood Infant School.
Light Club: Thursdays, 12.30pm at Prestwood Junior School.
Each week Frances and her volunteers are at Prestwood Infant and Junior Schools running a lunch club. The sessions are a mix of story-telling, drama and crafts with a simple Christian message and lots of fun! New children are welcome at either club, please contact the School offices if your children attend either school and would like to join in.
Craft & Praise
Throughout the year we run a series of themed Craft & Praise afternoons (Easter, Harvest, Advent, etc.). These are a fun afternoon for you to enjoy with your family and are a mix of crafts, activities, music and refreshments suitable for all ages. Keep your eye out for the next event.
Bumps & Babies
Every Monday 9.30am-11.30am, in The Annexe. Are you pregnant or a new parent? Come along to our small, cosy environment and meet others in the same boat. Babies up to the age of 1 are very welcome. For more information contact the Holy Trinity Office: secretary@htprestwood.org.uk.
Toddler Thursday
Each Thursday during term-time, 10.00am-11.30amin Church
Come along and join us at Toddler Thursday. All children aged 0-5 and their carers are welcome. A friendly environment, with toys, crafts, snack time, singing and our special Toddler's prayer. Baby changing facilities available. Tea, coffee and biscuits for the grown-ups too! Do drop in and meet us.

Frances Pauls
Families Outreach Worker
07934 050468
Growing up in sunny South Africa life included lots of Sea Kayaking adventures with her family and three sisters. Frances and her husband Michael moved to London from Cape Town in 2015. After a busy career in fashion and now with two young boys, Frances is excited to jump on board Holy Trinity Prestwood and get to know more members of the community that she feels so fortunate to be a part of. A member of the Anglican Church in South Africa, she is looking forward to expanding her faith within this role. Her current hobbies include gardening and selling vintage clothing & decor online..