Celebrating 175 Years at Holy Trinity, Prestwood

175th arts logo transparentHoly Trinity, Prestwood church was consecrated on October 19th, 1849.

Our 175th Anniversary Celebrations will run from October 19th, 2024 until Trinity Sunday, June 15th, 2025, when there will be a Flower Festival and we’ll welcome the Bishop of Oxford to a special service.

There will be lots of things taking place between now and then. You can find everything on this page.

In particular, we’d love people to share their memories of special events that have taken place in Holy Trinity church. These could be weddings or christenings, or anything memorable. If you have a photograph and would like to share it, along with a paragraph describing the memory, please visit www.htprestwood.org.uk/175memories.

Holy Trinity, Prestwood is an Inclusive Church. We are part of the Church of England.

We are in the Oxford diocese and the Wendover Deanery.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.