
A labyrinth is a journey, like Mary journeying to Bethlehem. A labyrinth is waiting, like Mary waiting for her baby.

This labyrinth is a Journey to Bethlehem, with stops along the way to explore the themes of the four Sundays of Advent as we await the coming of Christ.

1. First Sunday of Advent - Patriarchs and Matriarchs

God told Abraham that through him all the nations of the world be blessed, because he trusted and put his hope in God. We too believe in God’s promise to send Jesus again to this world to establish God’s kingdom upon earth.

2. First Sunday of Advent - Hope

Hope is like a light shining in a dark place. On the First Sunday of Advent, we celebrate the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

God of Abraham and Sarah and all the Patriarchs of old,

you are our Father too.

Your love is revealed to us in Jesus Christ,

Help us in preparing to celebrate his birth,

and to place our hope in you.


God of Abraham and Sarah and all the Patriarchs of old,

you are our Father too.

Your love is revealed to us in Jesus Christ,

Help us in preparing to celebrate his birth,

and to place our hope in you.


3. Second Sunday of Advent - Prophets

We remember the prophets who spoke of the coming of Christ, of how a Saviour would be born, a king in the line of King David. The prophet Isaiah called Christ "the Prince of Peace". We are reminded that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and that through him peace is found.

4. Second Sunday of Advent – Peace

Peace is like a light shining in a dark place. On the Second Sunday of Advent, we celebrate the peace we find in Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, Light of the World,

the prophets said you would bring peace

and save your people from trouble.

Give peace in our hearts this Advent.


5. Third Sunday of Advent - John the Baptist

In their old age God gave to Zechariah and Elizabeth a son called John. He taught that we should share what we have with others, treat each other kindly and show God’s love.

6. Third Sunday of Advent - Love

Love is like a candle shining in a dark place. On the Third Sunday of Advent, we celebrate the love we have in Christ.

Lord God, Your witness John the Baptist

grew up strong in spirit

and prepared people for the coming of the Lord.

Help us to have the same love

that we would be witnesses to him

and spread the good news of your love.


7. Fourth Sunday of Advent - Blessed Virgin Mary

When the angel Gabriel told Mary that a special child would be born to her, she was filled with joy. She sang a song that began with the words: “My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”. We are reminded that when Jesus is born in us we have joy and that through him there will be everlasting joy on earth.

8. Fourth Sunday of Advent -

Joy Joy is like a light shining in a dark place. On the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we celebrate the joy we find in Jesus Christ.

Thank you God for the joy you give us.

We ask that as we wait for all your promises to come true,

and for Christ to come again,

that you would remain present with us.


As you leave the labyrinth, following the same path that took you into the centre, carry with you the joy of the light of Christ into your lives and the lives of all those you meet.

Holy Trinity, Prestwood is an Inclusive Church. We are part of the Church of England.

We are in the Oxford diocese and the Wendover Deanery.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.