Getting Started
Begin with a few moments to quiet your body, heart, and mind. Be aware of where you are on your personal journey at this time in your life, and what it is you bring to this time of walking prayer.
Be aware of God’s presence with you and invite the Spirit to be your guide.
Quietly approach the entrance to the path. Pause there and, when you are ready, begin your walk.
Listen to your breathing and set your own pace. You will walk the same path both ways. At each turn you may wish to pause, either for reflection or to offer a specific prayer intention.
When you come to the centre, remain there quietly for as long as you need to - waiting, listening, open, attentive - present to the Divine Presence within you.
When you are ready, return by walking the path back out, carrying in your heart what you have received – again you may wish to pause at each turn to reflect or pray.