Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday 2025Ash Wednesday is on March 5th this year. We will be offering two services, Holy Communion at 10.30am and a Contemplative Service at 6.30pm. Both will include the imposition of Ashes. 

Palm Crosses

Burning Palm Crosses for Ash WednesdayEach year we burn the previous year's Palm Crosses to make the ash for Ash Wednesday. Please return your palm crosses by Sunday 02nd March. 

Lent Course | Come and See

wednesday 6.30pm starting 12th march the annexe

This Lent we will be using the Diocese's Come and See resource. 

'This Lent, explore what it means to be human and what it means to be baptised as a Christian. The two questions belong very closely together. Come and See is for people exploring faith and Christians who have been coming to church for years. You’ll receive a daily email and a weekly short video in Lent. Come and See how these life-giving reflections will enrich your life.'

The first session will be the theme of our reflective service for Ash Wednesday, 5th March, 6.30pm. The remaining 5 sessions will then take place each Wednesday, 6.30pm, in the Annexe. 

Breakfast Club in March

There will be no Breakfast Club in March so that SEARCH can focus on the Pancake Party!!

First Communion

We are hoping to admit new members to receive Holy Communion on Easter Day. This is for those young people aged 7 and above. More details will follow in due course, but if you think your young person might be interested in receiving communion, and being prepared to do so, please speak to the clergy. 

Celebrating '2023 and Beyond' & Sponsor a Chair

IMG 5278 LargeThank you to all who came to help us celebrate the completion of the 2023 and Beyond project. We had a beautiful service of Choral Evensong, followed by a talk from the Rector. Thanks to Sam, Adrian and the Choir for their music. If you were unable to attend, or want to watch again, you can do so on our project page:

We also launched our Sponsor a Chair appeal. We need 20 new ‘Theo’ chairs that we can use for additional seating, and make possible more flexible use of our space. By making a donation of £325 to sponsor a chair, you will be playing an important part in help our church reach its potential as a worshipping space and venue for small groups. Sponsorship can be made by an individual, a family or a group of people. Sponsoring a seat in remembrance of someone who has died is a special way to honour their memory. We will record every sponsor and loved one remembered in a special book to be kept in perpetuity.

Wool Gatherers Update

20230307 160120 thumbnailThe Wool Gatherers meet on a Tuesday morning in the Annex over coffee and a biscuit. We are a friendly bunch, knitting various projects for a number of charities.
Over the past year we have made 22 teddies and 8 baby blankets for local baby units and children’s wards, 41 fishermen hats for the seaman’s mission, 2 prayer shawls, 4 bed blankets from 6’’ squares, 270 baby hats for Wexham Park maternity unit and over 200 items for the autumn fair.
Not bad for just a dozen of us who spend more time nattering than knitting!
If you would like to support us, donations for us to purchase brightly coloured double-knit wool are always welcome. A 100g ball costs about £3 now and would knit 7or 8 squares, or lots of little hats. A baby blanket needs 16 squares. A prayer shawl costs £10 to knit.
Watch out for our new project, Chickens and Bunnies for Easter!
Anyone is always welcome to join us.
Barbara Paterson

Craft & Praise | LOVE | Saturday 15th Feb 3pm-5pm

Craft Praise Love Poster 1Join us for our next Craft & Praise Event! Seeing as though February is the month of LOVE, we'll be celebrating God's Love for Us! It's the first Saturday of Half Term so be sure to come along & ensure a very 'LOVE-LY' start to the Feb Break! Guaranteed fun for the whole family - we'll have 6 awesome crafts, cakes & refreshments, fun activities and informal guitar-lead worship time! For further info & to book your places please email Frances, our Families Worker, on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All Welcome! See you there!

Why? | Praying at Home | Saturday 8th February | 2pm

homeThe next in our Why? Programme explores Praying at Home, and will be at Holy Trinity. We will explore different and creative ways to pray, especially when you cannot find the words. No prior creative skills needed! This is an opportunity to try something new and potentially discover a different and exciting way to pray at home. Thinking about the importance of place, silence, and our encounter with God. There will be a good variety of techniques, they might not all work for you - and that is ok!! We will try them out together and see how they feel. 

Registering isn't essential, but it does help with planning. HTTPS://

Why? A Programme of Exploration

whyWhy? is our new programme for exploring our faith together. Throughout 2025 there will be a series of events intended to deepen our understanding of faith and discipleship. 


As we meet together, we hope that you will learn more about your personal faith, the faith of our Church, and the Christian faith. Deeping our own understanding and working together to help share Jesus’ love with our community. All the sessions will take place in one of our churches, and last 1.5 hours. Most sessions will follow a structure of talk, table discussion, Q&A. Some will invite external speakers, and some will be led ‘in-house’. 


Whilst there is no specific need to book for these sessions, we are asking that you sign up, either in church or online. This gives us an idea of numbers for refreshments, resources and tables. More details can be found here: or by picking up a printed programme at the back of church. 


Celebrating our 175th Anniversary at Holy Trinity, Prestwood

1B Consecration Ticket175th arts logo transparentHoly Trinity, Prestwood church was consecrated on October 19th, 1849.

Our 175th Anniversary Celebrations will run from October 19th, 2024 until Trinity Sunday, June 15th, 2025, when there will be a Flower Festival and we’ll welcome the Bishop of Oxford to a special service.

There will be lots of things taking place between now and then. You can find everything on this page.

In particular, we’d love people to share their memories of special events that have taken place in Holy Trinity church. These could be weddings or christenings, or anything memorable. If you have a photograph and would like to share it, along with a paragraph describing the memory, please visit

Volunteers Needed

f07d738014f049130b642ff567dbece4We are in need of some volunteers to help at three of our weekly clubs. The more volunteers we have - the less often you are likely to need to do it. 

This includes:

Sparks Club | Mondays, 11.45am - 12.45pm | Prestwood Infant School 

Light Club | Thursdays, 12.15pm - 1.15pm | Prestwood Junior School

Toy Library | Thursdays, 9.30am - 1pm | The Annexe

If you would like to help with any of these then please speak to Frances. 

Support our work with Acts 435

We work in the community with Acts 435. Acts 435 is a giving website that allows people to give money directly to others, and 100% of what is donated via Acts 435 goes directly to those in need. When so many people need so much help giving to charities and good causes can sometimes feel overwhelming and hard. Acts 435 puts people who want to help in touch with people who are in need, through a network of churches and local charities. Acts 435 enables virtual, online giving for specific needs.

If you would like to be notified by email when a local Acts 435 is made by us, please let one of the clergy know.

Eco Church Bronze Award for Holy Trinity

5c27a90b3ac4e2635a4bb0e6d14f86ffAfter a thorough audit and the submission of our paperwork to the A Rocha Eco Church Awards Scheme Holy Trinity, Prestwood has been awarded the Bronze Eco Church Award. This scheme is our church's primary means of addressing the climate crisis through the PCC's Climate Strategy. We are now working on achieving the next-level Silver Award.

Help us respond faithfully to the climate and nature crises! Join us in reaching the Silver Award!

  • Community and Global Engagement—Transforming local and global communities and ecosystems
  • Buildings—Finding energy efficient and innovative ways to manage our places of worship
  • Land—Nurturing spaces for people and nature
  • Lifestyle—Living joyfully and sustainably as followers of Christ
  • Worship and Teaching—Embedding creation care in worship, prayer and learning

Holy Trinity, Prestwood is an Inclusive Church. We are part of the Church of England.

We are in the Oxford diocese and the Wendover Deanery.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.