Using the Lord's Prayer
At each turn of the Labyrinth stop and reflect on a section of the Lord’s Prayer.
1. Our Father in heaven,
As you stop at this first bend, think of a time when it seemed like God was near to you.
How did this make you feel?
hallowed be your name,
At this second bend, think about the holiness of God.
How do you live to honour God?
How might you live your life in a way that deepens your relationship with God?
3. your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
As you come to the third bend think about what it would look like if earth was like heaven?
Think of one thing that would be different in the lives of those around you, or in the wider world.
Pray for change.
4. Give us today our daily bread. The fourth bend is a time to reflect on those things that are essential to life – food, water, shelter.
Millions of people around the world struggle each day to meet these needs.
What needs to you easily take for granted?
Pray for those in the world, both abroad and closer to home, whose basic needs aren’t met. How might God use you to help meet someone else’s needs?
5. Forgive us our sins
As you stop for the fifth time, think about a time in the last week when you might have said or done that was wrong.
What do you wish to ask God forgiveness for?
6. as we forgive those who sin against us.
At this sixth bend, think about something someone has done to you, something you may need to forgive.
How do you feel about offering this forgiveness?
7. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
As you approach the centre of the labyrinth, take a moment to reflect on a time when you have been tempted to divert from God’s path.
Has there been a time when you did something knowing it wasn’t right?
Is there somewhere in your life where you are struggling to do the right thing?
Pray for God’s guidance, navigating you towards the right choice.
8. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. As you stand in the middle and reflect on the journey you have made, remember that everything belongs to God.
What is it that makes you aware of God’s kingdom?
What makes you aware of God’s glory?
At each turn of the Labyrinth stop and reflect on a section of the Lord’s Prayer.
1. Our Father in heaven,
As you stop at this first bend, think of a time when it seemed like God was near to you.
How did this make you feel?
hallowed be your name,
At this second bend, think about the holiness of God.
How do you live to honour God?
How might you live your life in a way that deepens your relationship with God?
3. your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
As you come to the third bend think about what it would look like if earth was like heaven?
Think of one thing that would be different in the lives of those around you, or in the wider world.
Pray for change.
4. Give us today our daily bread. The fourth bend is a time to reflect on those things that are essential to life – food, water, shelter.
Millions of people around the world struggle each day to meet these needs.
What needs to you easily take for granted?
Pray for those in the world, both abroad and closer to home, whose basic needs aren’t met. How might God use you to help meet someone else’s needs?
5. Forgive us our sins
As you stop for the fifth time, think about a time in the last week when you might have said or done that was wrong.
What do you wish to ask God forgiveness for?
6. as we forgive those who sin against us.
At this sixth bend, think about something someone has done to you, something you may need to forgive.
How do you feel about offering this forgiveness?
7. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
As you approach the centre of the labyrinth, take a moment to reflect on a time when you have been tempted to divert from God’s path.
Has there been a time when you did something knowing it wasn’t right?
Is there somewhere in your life where you are struggling to do the right thing?
Pray for God’s guidance, navigating you towards the right choice.
8. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. As you stand in the middle and reflect on the journey you have made, remember that everything belongs to God.
What is it that makes you aware of God’s kingdom?
What makes you aware of God’s glory?
As you leave the labyrinth, following the same path that took you into the centre, keep your eyes and ears open to all that God is doing – in the world and in your life. As you walk offer thanks to God for these things.