Join our Kiva Team


c04d87aa8933a07fbb7fb4cbd401ad43More than 1.7 billion people around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. They do this by crowdfunding loans and unlocking capital for the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world. Through Kiva's work, students can pay for tuition, women can start businesses, farmers are able to invest in equipment and families can afford needed emergency care.

We have had a team on Kiva for about ten years. In that time we have:

  • Loaned over $20,000.00
  • Made 875 different loans

Currently there are 15 team members. You can be one of them! By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, you can be part of the solution and make a real difference in someone’s life. 100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans.

Follow the link on the website or scan the QR code and you too can Join our team today!

HTP in the News

Great to see the work of Holy Trinity, Prestwood featured on the BBC News website, alongside our village schools and council services. Our amazing Family Suport Worker, Fran McLean spearheads our fantastic team of volunteers who do so much work in the community, just some of which is referenced here.

Cost of living: The hidden poverty in England's least deprived area - BBC News 

Your invitation to Light a Candle and Make a Prayer Request in Church

667f0bd8cc1b5671ad4f8bbe722f4debDid you know you can light a candle and make a prayer request in Holy Trinity, Prestwood? The church is open all day for everyone. You are invited to walk in and up to the altar area, light your candle and write your prayer--or just sit and spend time with God.

Planning an event? We can provide the venue.

If you are arranging an event and are interested in using the Church Hall, Church, Cottage or Marquee then please get in touch! You can contact Lesley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. 

Sponsor the Flowers and Music

Many people would like to sponsor the church flowers or music on a particular Sunday in memory of a loved one. If you would like to sponsor flowers or music then please speak to the Rector, a church warden or contact Amy in the office to make the arrangements. Suggested sponsorship is £30 for flowers or music for £50, but other donations are also welcome.

Holy Trinity, Prestwood is an Inclusive Church. We are part of the Church of England.

We are in the Oxford diocese and the Wendover Deanery.

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity, Prestwood is a registered charity, no. 1129233.